First Entry

This is my first time to enter this new ecosphere of expressing something in the internet, though I'm not much into writing about my views about anything; I'll do my best to meet each reader's expectation especially about anything that Android OS and gadgets can offer us these days. Maybe soon, I'll try to adjust myself trying to explain or expressing my own opinion when it comes to Android technology so please try to bear with me when you're reading my article and feel free to leave some comments and suggestions, or any violent reactions about my work. I hope that someday, most of you can appreciate and try to share my simple thoughts towards the continuous flow of this kind of technology where we can share the same path learning a new vast amount of Android knowledge for free.

I just want to inform you also that this site was just beginning that I don’t have a team and enough amount of resources to make it functioning better, so please bear with me as I try to figure out things that can enhance this site’s performance. I want all of you also to expect some improvements within four months and it includes developing my research abilities in discovering more free apps that will be featured in this site, more accurate and cutting-edge information in any Android based device that was available in the market, and I’m also planning to have a page wherein amateur but  inspired app developer can submit their original apps for others to test, assess  and give their feedback for the developer to fix some bugs or to improve the application that he/she developed. Though I have a dream of making this site works better, it will not be possible without your help and by just sharing what you have in mind  or suggesting a free specific  application to be featured in this site for other people to use, it will be a huge help for this site.

Imagine a site that helps to unite Android users, help us to make this grow;

                                Let’s make a better android Atmosphere…

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